US Student 2019 Carrie Brown – Tess and her April Report


For my project, we have begun the Lesson Study process. I have a total of eight math teachers I am working with. Things are going well. ….
I have also been a part of the organization of the Public Lesson Study research at CIAE. We are organizing an international conference for the first week of May.
In the process, I have had the opportunity to meet Masami Isoda, the Japanese Lesson Study researcher, whom I have quoted often. I had the privilege of
discussing my project with him and gain insight into the particulars of how Lesson Study was developed in Japan.

Additionally, I have had the opportunity to meet several from the Ministry of Education, including the director of curriculum, María Jesús Honorato.
The upcoming conference will take place in Valparaíso and includes researchers from Japan, Thailand, the US, Mexico, and Perú. After the conference,
I will resume the Lesson Study research in the target school. So far, the study is having a positive impact on teacher learning in the school I am working.
The structure is providing opportunities for teachers to better share strategies and resources. I am also playing an important part in helping folks from the
US who are attending the conference next week.